Important news


XXVIII. Biochemistry congress in Prague will be held on 7th to 10th September 2025. The congress will be organized as a FEBS3+ meeting resulting from the collaboration of Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CSBMB), Slovak Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SSBMB), Polish Biochemical Society (PTBioch), and German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM). The motto of the conference is "Unlocking the Secrets of Life" and the scientific program will be connected to the 70th anniversary of the Society foundation.
The registration will launch in January 2025 at More information is available in the attached flyer.

FEBS Milan Declaration

FEBS has launched “The Milan Declaration on the Crucial Role of Science in meeting Global Challenges”. This is an initiative that aims to strengthen civil society's engagement and trust in Science and to foster Science and Scientific Research as a cornerstone in providing coordinated solutions to global problems. The Declaration was developed during the celebration of the FEBS 60th anniversary in collaboration with other international organizations – IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), FAOBMB (Federation of National Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Asian and Oceanian Region), FASBMB (Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), and PABMB (Pan-American Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology). Fifty-five Nobel Prize winners have already endorsed the Milan Declaration. If you wish to contribute and sign the document by yourself, you can do so via the official Milan Declaration website.

The specific aims of the declaration are as follows:

  • To emphasize the vital role of Science in addressing global challenges and fostering sustainable development through ethical, inclusive, and unbiased collaboration.
  • To unite scientists and citizens in harnessing Science's transformative power to drive societal progress and build a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future for all.
  • To inspire investments in scientific research, advocate for freedom of research and interdisciplinary innovation, and reaffirm core values such as peace, equity, and human dignity.

XXVIII. Biochemistry congress

XXVIII. Biochemistry congress in Prague will be held on 7th to 10th September 2025. The congress will be organized as a FEBS3+ meeting resulting from the collaboration of Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CSBMB), Slovak Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SSBMB), Polish Biochemical Society (PTBioch), and German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM). The motto of the conference is "Unlocking the Secrets of Life" and the scientific program will be connected to the 70th anniversary of the Society foundation.
The registration will launch in January 2025 at More information is available in the attached flyer.

J. V. Koštíř Prize for the year 2025

CSBMB announces the Josef V. Koštíř Prize for significant results in the fields of biochemistry and cell and molecular biology. The prize is awarded for important achievements of the scientific work in 2023 and 2024. Interested applicants will send their publications from these years together with the Letter of Introduction to The selected nomination will be awarded 50.000 CZK. It is possible to nominate any person who is a CSBMB member and will not exceed the age of 40 years in 2024. The prize winner will be announced and their results will be presented during the upcoming XXVIII. Biochemistry congress 2025 in Prague. More information is available in the attached flyer (available only in Czech).

Open Questions Competition

The Open Biology journal from The Royal Society Publishing has launched a new article type called Open Questions which aims to effectively and timely communicate research results in the quickly developing scientific fields. In connection with the launch, the publisher has announced Open Questions Competition, giving the participants chance to win £1,000 and many other benefits. To participate, you need to submit your article before 31st October 2024. More information and competition conditions are available via the official website.

XXVII. Biochemistry congress

XXVII. Biochemistry congress in High Tatras will be held on 10th to 13th September 2023. The congress will be organized as a FEBS3+ meeting resulting from the collaboration of Slovak Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SSBMB), Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CSBMB), Ukrainian Biochemical Society (UBS), and Hungarian Biochemical Society (HBS). The discussion will cover a broad range of topics spanning from biochemistry and molecular biology, through molecular therapy and virology, up to career and teaching workshops. The registration is open and can be done at More information is available in the attached flyer.

J. V. Koštíř Prize for the year 2023

CSBMB announces the Josef V. Koštíř Prize for significant results in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. The prize is awarded for important achievements of the scientific work in 2021 and 2022. Interested applicants will send their publications from these years together with the Letter of Introduction to The selected nomination will be awarded 50.000 CZK. It is possible to nominate any person who is a CSBMB member. The prize winner will be announced and their results will be presented during the upcoming XXVII. Biochemistry congress 2023 in High Tatras. More information is available in the attached flyer (available only in Czech).

War in Ukraine statement

CSBMB, led by Prof. RNDr. Libor Grubhoffer, CSc., Hon.D.Sc., has strongly condemned the barbarian act of the tyrant and war criminal Putin who decided to conquer Ukraine, a sovereign democratic state of independent citizens. The situation in Ukraine is very dramatic and its consequences are tragic for the whole country but also for all our democratic world. The Society would like to ask you to help colleagues from Ukrainian universities and research institutes but potentially also to colleagues from Russia who are not silent and protest against the crimes of their sick president with an admirable bravery.

The whole announcement of the CSBMB chairman regarding the war in Ukraine can be found in the attached letter (available only in Czech).

New CSBMB Board Committee

Starting on 30th August 2021, the new CSBMB board committee for the 2021-2025 election period has begun its work. We sincerely believe that all the current members of the Society will benefit from the committee activities. If you want to become a member of the Society as well, you can easily do so via the registration form. Membership in the Society is open literally to any natural and legal person working or studying in the Czech Republic or with Czech citizenship. Furthermore, the person is expected to have a close professional connection to the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. The individual membership fee for 2023 is 500 CZK incl. VAT.

Czech National Commission

We are announcing the merge of Czech National Commisson and CSBMB, z. s. committee. Czech National Commission for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology represents the membership of the Czech Republic in International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB). Similar to other scientific disciplines, Czech National Commission for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology was estabished by the Academic Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. This is because the Czech Academy of Sciences is a member institution of IUBMB (so-called 'Adhering Body') and its role is to designate the Commission for a specific work.

The Commission closely cooperates with Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CSBMB, z. s.) whose board members are currently also the members of the Commission. Given that IUBMB is a member of International Council for Science (ICSU), we also receive information about upcoming evens and efforts of this international organisation.

More information about the merge of Czech National Commisson and CSBMB, z. s. can be found in the attached letter (available only in Czech).