Past events of CSBMB (2024)
Past events of CSBMB (2023)
Past events of CSBMB (2022)
Past events of CSBMB (2021)
7th Informal proteomics meeting
25. 11. 2021 | Hradec Kralove, CZ
20. 9. 2021 | Online
8. 9. 2021 | Prague, CZ
29. 8. 2021 | Ceske Budejovice, CZ
3. 7. 2021 | Online
Workshop Separation in proteomics
18. 6. 2021 | Hradec Kralove, CZ
XX. Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young Life Scientists
17. 5. 2021 | Online
Past events of CSBMB (2020)
3. 9. 2020 | Prague, CZ
3. 9. 2020 | Online
45th FEBS Congress (Postponed to 2021)
4. 7. 2020 | Ljubljana, SI
BioTech Conference (Postponed to 2021)
17. 6. 2020 | Prague, CZ
7th Czech lipidomics conference (Postponed to 2021)
21. 5. 2020 | Hradec Kralove, CZ
XX. Interdisciplinary meeting (Postponed to 2021)
11. 5. 2020 | Milovy, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2019)
XX. Meeting of biochemists and molecular biologists
12. 11. 2019 | Brno, CZ
13. 9. 2019 | Ceske Budejovice, CZ
4. 9. 2019 | Prague, CZ
25. 8. 2019 | Milan, IT
44th FEBS Congress: From molecules to living systems
6. 7. 2019 | Kraków, PL
XIX. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists
20. 5. 2019 | Milovy, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2018)
23. 9. 2018 | Prague, CZ
5. 9. 2018 | Prague, CZ
7. 7. 2018 | Prague, CZ
6th Czech lipidomics conference
14. 6. 2018 | Prague, CZ
XVIII. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists
14. 5. 2018 | Milovy, CZ
3. 5. 2018 | Prague, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2017)
20. 9. 2017 | Prague, CZ
10. 9. 2017 | Jerusalem, IL
6. 9. 2017 | Prague, CZ
XVII. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists
30. 6. 2017 | Milovy, CZ
Czechoslovakian virology conference
16. 2. 2017 | Ceske Budejovice, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2016)
XII. Diagnostic Predictive and Experimental Oncology Days
30. 11. 2016 | Olomouc, CZ
13. 9. 2016 | Prague, CZ
8. 8. 2016 | Efez-Kusadasi, TR
17. 7. 2016 | Vancouver, CA
XVI. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists
10. 5. 2016 | Milovy, CZ
Prague Protein Spring Conference
5. 5. 2016 | Prague, CZ
5th Czech lipidomics conference
21. 4. 2016 | Prague, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2015)
23. 9. 2015 | Prague, CZ
9. 9. 2015 | Prague, CZ
4. 7. 2015 | Berlin, DE
XV. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists
12. 5. 2015 | Milovy, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2014)
Autumn school for middle school science teachers
28. 10. 2014 | Prague, CZ
18. 9. 2014 | Bratislava, SK
10. 9. 2014 | Prague, CZ
30. 8. 2014 | Paris, FR
Interdisciplinary Signaling Workshop
21. 7. 2014 | Visegrad, HU
Up Close and Personalized – The 3rd International Congress on Personalized Medicine
26. 6. 2014 | Prague, CZ
XIV. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists
13. 5. 2014 | Milovy, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2013)
III. Informal proteomics meeting
21. 11. 2013 | Hradec Kralove, CZ
IX. Diagnostic, Predictive and Experimental Oncology Days
21. 11. 2013 | Olomouc, CZ
Autumn school for middle school science teachers
28. 10. 2013 | Prague, CZ
25. 10. 2013 | Prague, CZ
21. 9. 2013 | Amsterdam, NL
12. 9. 2013 | Prague, CZ
7. 7. 2013 | Rehovot, IL
FEBS Congress 2013 - Mechanisms In Biology
6. 7. 2013 | Saint Petersburg, RU
3rd European Lipidomic Meeting
2. 7. 2013 | Pardubice, CZ
XII. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists
15. 5. 2013 | Zdar nad Sazavou, CZ
10th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting
21. 4. 2013 | Prague, CZ
MedChemBio "Quo Vadis Medical Chemistry"
14. 3. 2013 | Olomouc, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2012)
Autumn school for middle school science teachers
25. 10. 2012 | Prague, CZ
22. 9. 2012 | Nice, FR
22nd IUBMB & 37 FEBS Congress – From Single Molecules to Systems Biology
4. 9. 2012 | Sevilla, ES
26. 8. 2012 | Brno, CZ
2nd Czech lipidomics conference
25. 6. 2012 | Znojmo, CZ
30. 5. 2012 | Prague, CZ
XII. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists
29. 5. 2012 | Pocatky u Pelhrimova, CZ
3. 5. 2012 | Prague, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2011)
XV. Meeting of biochemists and molecular biologists
1. 11. 2011 | Brno, CZ
Autumn school for middle school science teachers
25. 10. 2011 | Prague, CZ
13th IUBMB Conference - Cell Signalling Networks
22. 10. 2011 | Merida, Yucatan, MX
5. 10. 2011 | Prague, CZ
5th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference
18. 9. 2011 | Prague, CZ
FEBS Biochemistry Education Workshop
12. 9. 2011 | Smolenice, SK
10. 9. 2011 | Vienna, AT
28. 6. 2011 | Pardubice, CZ
25. 6. 2011 | Torino, IT
11th Young Scientist Forum - FEBS 2011
23. 6. 2011 | Torino, IT
14. 6. 2011 | Prague, CZ
XI. Interdisciplinary meeting of young biologists, biochemists, and chemists
24. 5. 2011 | Zdar nad Sazavou, CZ
XVI. Interdisciplinary Czechoslovakian conference TOXCON2011
17. 5. 2011 | Prague, CZ
Past events of CSBMB (2010)
Autumn school for middle school science teachers
25. 10. 2010 | Prague, CZ
26. 9. 2010 | Melbourne, AU
10th Congress of the Croatioan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular
15. 9. 2010 | Opatija, HR
8. 9. 2010 | Martin, SK
Summer school of protein engineering
5. 9. 2010 | Brno, CZ
4. 9. 2010 | Barcelona, ES
26. 6. 2010 | Göteborg, SE
Interdisciplinary meeting of young scientists
25. 5. 2010 | Milovy, CZ
2nd European Chemical Biology Symposium
20. 5. 2010 | Prague, CZ
Meeting of young biochemists and molecular biologists
20. 4. 2010 | Brno, CZ
30. 3. 2010 | Prague, CZ