Important news


XXVIII. Biochemistry congress in Prague will be held on 7th to 10th September 2025. The congress will be organized as a FEBS3+ meeting resulting from the collaboration of Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CSBMB), Slovak Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SSBMB), Polish Biochemical Society (PTBioch), and German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM). The motto of the conference is "Unlocking the Secrets of Life" and the scientific program will be connected to the 70th anniversary of the Society foundation.
The registration will launch in January 2025 at More information is available in the attached flyer.

Past events of CSBMB (2025)

Past events of CSBMB (2024)

XXIII. Meeting of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists

XXIII. Meeting of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists

12. 11. 2024 | Brno, CZ

The 48th FEBS Congress

The 48th FEBS Congress

29. 6. 2024 | Milan, IT



26. 6. 2024 | Pavia, IT

VědaFest 2024

VědaFest 2024

19. 6. 2024 | Prague, CZ

Structural Proteomics Workshop

Structural Proteomics Workshop

10. 6. 2024 | Vestec, CZ

23. Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young Life Scientists

23. Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young Life Scientists

20. 5. 2024 | Milovy, CZ

8th Czech lipidomics and metabolomics conference

8th Czech lipidomics and metabolomics conference

16. 5. 2024 | Olomouc, CZ

FEBS Education and Training Conference

FEBS Education and Training Conference

20. 3. 2024 | Antalya, TR

CzechoSlovak Virology Conference

CzechoSlovak Virology Conference

15. 2. 2024 | Prague, CZ

Past events of CSBMB (2014)

Autumn school for middle school science teachers

28. 10. 2014 | Prague, CZ

XXIV. Biochemistry congress

18. 9. 2014 | Bratislava, SK

Science fair

10. 9. 2014 | Prague, CZ

FEBS - EMBO Congress

30. 8. 2014 | Paris, FR

Interdisciplinary Signaling Workshop

21. 7. 2014 | Visegrad, HU

Up Close and Personalized – The 3rd International Congress on Personalized Medicine

26. 6. 2014 | Prague, CZ

XIV. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists

13. 5. 2014 | Milovy, CZ

Past events of CSBMB (2013)

III. Informal proteomics meeting

21. 11. 2013 | Hradec Kralove, CZ

IX. Diagnostic, Predictive and Experimental Oncology Days

21. 11. 2013 | Olomouc, CZ

Autumn school for middle school science teachers

28. 10. 2013 | Prague, CZ

Laborexpo 2013

25. 10. 2013 | Prague, CZ

5th EMBO Meeting 2013

21. 9. 2013 | Amsterdam, NL

Science fair

12. 9. 2013 | Prague, CZ

Europhosphatase 2013

7. 7. 2013 | Rehovot, IL

FEBS Congress 2013 - Mechanisms In Biology

6. 7. 2013 | Saint Petersburg, RU

3rd European Lipidomic Meeting

2. 7. 2013 | Pardubice, CZ

XII. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists

15. 5. 2013 | Zdar nad Sazavou, CZ

10th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting

21. 4. 2013 | Prague, CZ

MedChemBio "Quo Vadis Medical Chemistry"

14. 3. 2013 | Olomouc, CZ

Past events of CSBMB (2012)

Autumn school for middle school science teachers

25. 10. 2012 | Prague, CZ

4th EMBO Meeting

22. 9. 2012 | Nice, FR

22nd IUBMB & 37 FEBS Congress – From Single Molecules to Systems Biology

4. 9. 2012 | Sevilla, ES

XXIII. Biochemistry congress

26. 8. 2012 | Brno, CZ

2nd Czech lipidomics conference

25. 6. 2012 | Znojmo, CZ

Prague Nobel Get-Together

30. 5. 2012 | Prague, CZ

XII. Interdisciplinary meeting of you chemists, biochemists, and biologists

29. 5. 2012 | Pocatky u Pelhrimova, CZ

Prague Protein Spring

3. 5. 2012 | Prague, CZ

Past events of CSBMB (2011)

XV. Meeting of biochemists and molecular biologists

1. 11. 2011 | Brno, CZ

Autumn school for middle school science teachers

25. 10. 2011 | Prague, CZ

13th IUBMB Conference - Cell Signalling Networks

22. 10. 2011 | Merida, Yucatan, MX


5. 10. 2011 | Prague, CZ

5th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference

18. 9. 2011 | Prague, CZ

FEBS Biochemistry Education Workshop

12. 9. 2011 | Smolenice, SK

EMBO Meeting

10. 9. 2011 | Vienna, AT

Czech lipidomics conference

28. 6. 2011 | Pardubice, CZ

36th FEBS Congress

25. 6. 2011 | Torino, IT

11th Young Scientist Forum - FEBS 2011

23. 6. 2011 | Torino, IT

Life Science Seminar

14. 6. 2011 | Prague, CZ

XI. Interdisciplinary meeting of young biologists, biochemists, and chemists

24. 5. 2011 | Zdar nad Sazavou, CZ

XVI. Interdisciplinary Czechoslovakian conference TOXCON2011

17. 5. 2011 | Prague, CZ

Past events of CSBMB (2010)

Autumn school for middle school science teachers

25. 10. 2010 | Prague, CZ

12th IUBMB Conference

26. 9. 2010 | Melbourne, AU

10th Congress of the Croatioan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular

15. 9. 2010 | Opatija, HR

Biochemistry congress

8. 9. 2010 | Martin, SK

Summer school of protein engineering

5. 9. 2010 | Brno, CZ

The EMBO Meeting 2010

4. 9. 2010 | Barcelona, ES

35th FEBS Congress

26. 6. 2010 | Göteborg, SE

Interdisciplinary meeting of young scientists

25. 5. 2010 | Milovy, CZ

2nd European Chemical Biology Symposium

20. 5. 2010 | Prague, CZ

Meeting of young biochemists and molecular biologists

20. 4. 2010 | Brno, CZ

Advances in proteomics

30. 3. 2010 | Prague, CZ