YSF call for applications 2024

Young Scientific Forum (YSF) is a four day conference for selected young scientists from all over Europe! After the successful selection to participate in the event, you are also invited to attend the main FEBS Congress (with the same poster)! This year we have attended YSF in Tours, France and it was just great. Imagine an event, when you can meet like-minded peers (Ph.D. students and postdocs) where you can discuss scientific topics, network in relaxed environment and learn more about your career development. In fact, YSF is a great opportunity to meet with other young scientists, learn new trends in STEM field and establish the connections that might boost… Read more

Mission of ČSBMB Junior

The junior section of the Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ČSBMB Junior) is part of an extensive network of junior sections of national biochemical societies across Europe. The section aims to put together active young researchers and support the development of their personalities and their growing scientific careers. We meet this goal by organizing various scientific events, including workshops, webinars, lectures, or minor conferences. An example of such activities are invited online lectures of renowned scientists which can be watched online via the FEBS website. Thanks to the direct connection of ČSBMB Junior with the international organization Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), we further allow young r esearchers–members to utilize a number of significant benefits on top of the national support. These benefits include financial support ‘FEBS Fellowships’ for research stays abroad or ‘FEBS Bursaries’ and ‘Youth Travel Funds’ to facilitate attending important events FEBS Congress, FEBS Advanced Courses, and Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF).

The vision of ČSBMB Junior is not only to provide connections and support but also to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. Junior section members will get access to helpful information, manuals, and exercises that will help them with shaping their future careers in the field of research practice, as well as so-called soft skills. Examples of the covered topics are effective manuscript writing, grant application submission, and preparation of scientific but also public presentations. All the ČSBMB Junior members will further stay connected thanks to regular online and in-person meetings, therefore building a network of young biochemists and molecular biologists.

In order to keep the ČSBMB Junior section in an active and dynamic status, we primarily need new motivated members. Therefore, we will be very grateful if you are interested in joining this growing scientific community and being part of it.

Why to become a member

By joining ČSBMB Junior, you will gain a number of benefits due to the direct connection of the section with the parent societies CSBMB and FEBS. Within those, it is possible to utilize exclusive benefits for young researchers no older than 35 years and we will always notify you about the opportunities in advance and will be happy to assist you with the preparation of applications. The list of the benefits includes:

  • Financial support (‘FEBS Bursary’) to attend the annual extensive international scientific conference FEBS Congress
  • Possibility to participate in numerous FEBS events and courses for selected motivated young researchers, e.g., FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF) and FEBS Advanced Courses
  • Opportunity to apply for funds for short-term research stays abroad and international collaborations, e.g., Short-Term Fellowships, Collaborative Developmental Scholarships, or Summer Fellowships
  • Access to posts and webinars focused on the development of a variety of skills essential for your future scientific career
  • Being part of the community of young researchers within the Czech Republic but also across the whole Europe

How to become a member

To become a ČSBMB Junior member, you only need to be an active member of the parent society CSBMB (Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) which also makes you automatically part of the FEBS network. CSBMB membership is open to any natural and legal person working or studying in the Czech Republic or with Czech citizenship. Furthermore, the person is expected to have a close professional connection to the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. The individual membership for 2022 is 400 CZK incl. VAT. Membership rights and obligations are specified in the corresponding company statutes (available only in Czech).

If you are under 35 years old, you will automatically become a member of CSBMB Junior. If you are older but you believe you could still benefit from the activities of the Junior section, we will be happy to include you among us. The only thing you need to do is to send an email to any board member of the section and we will take care of adding you to the members list. In this case, your CSBMB Junior membership will be equal but you might be excluded from some of the supporting programs by FEBS where the age of 35 is often the upper eligibility limit.