YSF call for applications 2024

Young Scientific Forum (YSF) is a four day conference for selected young scientists from all over Europe! After the successful selection to participate in the event, you are also invited to attend the main FEBS Congress (with the same poster)! This year we have attended YSF in Tours, France and it was just great. Imagine an event, when you can meet like-minded peers (Ph.D. students and postdocs) where you can discuss scientific topics, network in relaxed environment and learn more about your career development. In fact, YSF is a great opportunity to meet with other young scientists, learn new trends in STEM field and establish the connections that might boost… Read more

Summer FEBS Junior Section July talk already next week!

Published by: Martin Toul | 10. 07. 2023 16:09

Summertime full of vacations is finally here but FEBS Junior Section keeps working and prepared another seminar from the FEBS Junior Section Talks series. This time, our CSBMB Junior section is hosting the talk so we all hope that many of you will join the meeting and enjoy the presentation together with us! We prepared an interesting seminar given by Dr. Panagiotis Alexiou who will introduce us to the topic of machine learning (artificial intelligence) applied in the field of nucleic acids characterization. The seminar is entitled “Finding Hairpins in a Genomic Junkyard” and will take place next week on Thursday, 20th July at 6 PM CEST. The meeting will be held in English.

If you are interested in the topic and would like to join us for the online session, feel free to register via Zoom by clicking on the registration button above.

Talk abstract

In this seminar we will explore the use of artificial neural networks in the task of identifying specific classes of functional genomic elements among large swathes of 'junk' DNA. A high level introduction to artificial neural networks and their application to biological questions will be followed by a concrete application used to identify novel small non coding RNA gene loci in genomes.

For more information, visit the official talk announcement post on the FEBS website. We are looking forward to meeting you online!