YSF call for applications 2024

Young Scientific Forum (YSF) is a four day conference for selected young scientists from all over Europe! After the successful selection to participate in the event, you are also invited to attend the main FEBS Congress (with the same poster)! This year we have attended YSF in Tours, France and it was just great. Imagine an event, when you can meet like-minded peers (Ph.D. students and postdocs) where you can discuss scientific topics, network in relaxed environment and learn more about your career development. In fact, YSF is a great opportunity to meet with other young scientists, learn new trends in STEM field and establish the connections that might boost… Read more

ČSBMB Junior Board Members

Martin Toul

Martin Toul

Section chair


VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research (IRC), Ghent

Protein engineering, enzyme kinetics, biophysics and biochemistry of proteins

Marek Černík

Marek Černík


Institute of Biophysics of the CAS, Brno

Microfluidic models of the vascular system, mechanobiology of endothelial cells

Adam Frtús

Adam Frtús


Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague

Cell culture, biomaterials, nanotechnology, confocal microscopy

Karolína Honzejková

Karolína Honzejková


Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague

Biophysical and structural characterization of proteins

Terezie Páníková

Terezie Ticháčková


Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS, Prague

Solid-phase peptide synthesis, functional testing in cell cultures, protein characterization

Veronika Vetýšková

Veronika Vetýšková


Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS, Prague

Biophysical and biochemical proteins characterization, structural biology and molecular biology techniques